Updates voor Windows 10 versie 1511: KB3192441 plakt lekken dicht en voert verbeteringen door (oktober 2016)

KB3192441: Windows 10 versie 1511 build 10586.633 (11 oktober 2016)

Gisteravond, op Microsofts maandelijkse pleister-dinsdag, is cumulatieve update KB3192441 verschenen die Windows 10 versie 1511 bijwerkt naar build 10586.633. Deze update brengt zoals gebruikelijk 'kwaliteitsverbeteringen' en beveiligingsupdates voor diverse Windows-onderdelen.

Zo worden lekken dichtgeplakt in kernel-mode drivers, Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Graphics Component, Windows register en diagnostic hub. Verder worden problemen met printer drivers (die niet installeerden) en Edge en Internet Explorer verholpen.

Microsoft meldt het volgende over de update:

This update includes quality improvements and security fixes. No new operating system features are being introduced in this update. Key changes include:
  • Improved reliability of Internet Explorer 11, kernel mode drivers, downloading apps from the Store, and Windows graphics device interface (GDI).
  • Addressed issue causing printer drivers to not install correctly after installing security update KB317005.
  • Addressed issue causing sign-in errors if a password is entered incorrectly or a new password doesn’t meet password complexity requirements after installing security update KB3167679.
  • Addressed issue that causes Internet Explorer 11 to fail sometimes when using a user-defined style sheet.
  • Addressed issue where scrollbar position is reset after display property is set to none in Internet Explorer 11.
  • Addressed issue where a script in a nested frameset may not run correctly in Microsoft Edge.
  • Improved support for websites by updating the HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) preload list.
  • Improved the upload of telemetry and download of telemetry settings in an authenticated proxy environment and support for Azure Active Directory (AAD).
  • Addressed additional issues with revised daylight saving time, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer 11, and WebDAV.
  • Security updates to kernel-mode drivers, Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Graphics Component, Windows registry, and diagnostic hub.

For more information about the security fixes in this update and a complete list of affected files, see KB3192441.

KB3185614: Windows 10 versie 1511 build 10586.589 (13 september 2016)
De cumulatieve update KB3185614 levert kwaliteitsverbeteringen en beveiligingsupdates voor onder andere Edge, Internet Explorer, Windows Kernel en Flash.
De rest van de lijst van onderdelen van Windows en apps die verbeterd zijn kun je hieronder nalezen.

This update includes quality improvements and security fixes. No new operating system features are being introduced in this update. Key changes include:

  • Improved reliability of Internet Explorer 11, USB, and the .NET framework.
  • Addressed issue with the link to "Change my environment variables" in the User Accounts Control Panel not working correctly.
  • Addressed issue where a device, which previously had Internet access, has the incorrect time and date after joining a network with no Internet access to SSL servers.
  • Addressed issue where someone with a mandatory profile can’t use the Start menu, Cortana, search, and some pre-installed apps.
  • Addressed issue where, after installing a package using Windows Installer (MSI), customers can’t run any command line utility unless they restart or sign out and then sign in to their device.
  • Addressed issue causing “Print all linked documents” to not work in Internet Explorer 11.
  • Improved support for networks by adding new entries to the Access Point Name (APN) database.
  • Removed the Copy Protection option when ripping CDs in Windows Media Audio (WMA) format from Windows Media Player.
  • Addressed additional issues with excessive security logging, Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), consumer storage, Add-On List Group Policy Object, mobile broadband, filter drivers, Internet Explorer 11, Windows Media Player, graphics, revised daylight saving time, and Windows Shell.
  • Security updates to Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Graphics Component, Microsoft Edge, Windows Secure Kernel Mode, Windows SMB Server, Windows kernel, Windows Lock Screen, and Adobe Flash Player.

For more info about the security fixes in this update and a complete list of affected files, see KB3185614.

KB3176493: Windows 10 versie 1511 build 10586.545 (9 augustus 2016)
De cumulatieve update KB3176493 levert kwaliteitsverbeteringen en beveiligingsupdates voor onder andere Edge, Internet Explorer 11 en diverse Windows onderdelen.

Microsoft verduidelijkt:

This update includes quality improvements and security fixes. No new operating system features are being introduced in this update. Key changes include: 
  • Improved reliability by allowing more time for devices to recover from connected standby mode.
  • Addressed issue affecting some devices with Bitlocker enabled that didn’t start up to the BitLocker password entry screen.
  • Addressed issue with MouseUp and MouseDown events not working correctly when using a scroll bar in an Inline Frame (IFrame).
  • Addressed issue that delays the display of content when resizing the Internet Explorer 11 browser window.
  • Addressed issue with special keys and mouse clicks that don’t work on devices when Remote Assistance is in session.
  • Addressed issue with rendering multi-pixel points in Web Graphics Library (WebGL).
  • Addressed additional issues with certain devices that can’t transition from connected standby to sleep mode, updates not installing, and Internet Explorer 11.
  • Security updates to Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge, Kernel Mode Drivers, Windows Authentication Methods, Microsoft Graphics Component, and Kernel Mode Blacklist.

For more info about the security updates and a complete list of affected files, see KB3176493.

KB3172985: Windows 10 versie 1511 build 10586.494 (12 juli 2016)
Deze update plakt lekken dicht in Edge, IE, .NET en verschillende Windows-componenten. Verder worden verbeteringen doorgevoerd aan onder andere Windows Media speler en Miracast.

Microsoft meldt:

This update includes quality improvements and security fixes. No new operating system features are being introduced in this update. Key changes include:
  • Improved reliability of Windows Media Player, Internet Explorer 11, Windows Explorer, Miracast, and Windows kernel.
  • Fixed issue with some people seeing a black screen instead of the lock screen when resuming from connected standby.
  • Fixed issue with DirectAccess where the Disconnect button appears in some cases when the connection isn't fully established.
  • Fixed issue where local user accounts weren't locked after a number of failed sign in attempts.
  • Improved support for video playback in certain apps that didn't render video correctly after resuming from sleep.
  • Fixed issue with Windows Phone losing user authentication certificates after upgrading to Windows 10 Mobile in some cases.
  • Improved support of the backup settings of apps on Windows 10 Mobile.
  • Fixed issue where Microsoft Silverlight based apps wouldn't install on Windows 10 Mobile after joining Azure Active Directory.
  • Fixed additional issues in .NET, Windows Kernel, Windows Update, authentication, revised daylight saving time, support for PDF files, Bluetooth, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer 11, networking, and Wi-Fi connectivity.
  • Security updates for Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer 11, Kernel Mode Drivers, Windows Kernel, .NET Framework, Windows Secure Kernel Mode, and Microsoft Print Spooler.
For more info about security fixes in this update and a complete list of affected files, see KB3172985.

KB3163018: Windows 10 versie 1511 build 10586.420 (14 juni 2016)
Deze maandelijkse beveiligingsupdate repareert heel veel kwetsbaarheden in onder andere Edge, IE 11, Flash en diverse Windows onderdelen. Ook worden problemen opgelost bij het afspelen van audio en het gebruik van VPN.
Dit zegt Microsoft:

This update includes quality improvements and security fixes. No new operating system features are being introduced in this update. Key changes include:

  • Improved reliability of Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge, Cortana, audio playback, audio playback in Groove Music app, Maps app, Miracast, and Windows Explorer.
  • Fixed issue with balloon tip notifications always appearing in the upper left side of the screen.
  • Fixed issue that caused VPN to not work properly when switching between different network interfaces (for example, switching between Wi-Fi and cellular).
  • Improved Narrator’s ability to read bulleted lists, hyperlinks, and image information.
  • Fixed issue in location that caused navigation apps to lag behind actual location. Improved performance of loading webpages in Internet Explorer 11 when roaming user profiles are used.
  • Fixed issue that caused phones to stop ringing from an incoming call, if interrupted by an SMS.
  • Fixed issue that caused some phones to be unable to re-add a primary Microsoft account without resetting after upgrading from Windows Phone 8.1.
  • Fixed additional issues with Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer 11, Bluetooth, Cortana, Wi-Fi, Windows Camera app, revised daylight saving time, USB, TPM, Graphics, Group Policy, downloading music or movies purchased through the Windows Store, Network Diagnostics and Windows Explorer.
  • Fixed security issues with Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge, Server Message Block (SMB) Server, Microsoft Graphics Component, Group Policy, DNS Server, Windows Diagnostic Hub, Kernel mode drivers, Microsoft Windows PDF, Windows Structured Query, Adobe Flash Player, JScript and VBScript, and Web Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol (WPAD).

For more info about the security fixes in this update and a complete list of affected files, see KB3163018.

KB3156421: Windows 10 versie 1511 build 10586.318 (10 mei 2016)
Deze maandelijkse update voor Windows 10 verhelpt diverse problemen met USB, Miracast en bluetooth. Ook worden lekken gefixt in Edge, Internet Explorer, JScript en enkele Windows componenten.

Microsoft geeft de volgende details:

This update includes quality improvements and security fixes. No new operating system features are being introduced in this update. Key changes include:

  • Improved reliability in a number of areas including Cortana, Bluetooth, Shell, Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge, Miracast, and USB.
  • Fixed memory leak that occurs when opening a portable document format (PDF) form multiple times.
  • Fixed issues with text alignment for right to left languages in Internet Explorer 11 and Microsoft Edge.
  • Fixed issue that affected Bluetooth function when a PC resumes from sleep.
  • Fixed issue where user accounts weren't locked out after a number of failed sign in attempts.
  • Fixed issue with revised daylight saving time.
  • Fixed issue that sometimes corrupts CompactFlash cards inserted into a card reader.
  • Fixed issue that caused recorded video to be lost when answering an incoming call on some phones.
  • Fixed issue that could result in unexpected battery drain while the phone screen is off.
  • Fixed additional security issues with kernel mode drivers, remote procedure calls, the Microsoft Graphics Component, Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge, Windows Shell, Windows Journal, Virtual Secure Mode, Schannel, and Jscript.

For more info about the security fixes in this update and a complete list of affected files, see KB3156421.

KB3147458: Windows 10 versie 1511 build 10586.218 (12 april 2016)
Deze cumulatieve update brengt veel verbeteringen voor Edge, Windows Verkenner, Windows Update, wifi, USB en een waslijst van andere componenten. Ook worden natuurlijk kwetsbaarheden gerepareerd in onder andere Microsofts browsers Edge en IE en in enkele Windows onderdelen.

Dit zijn de wijzigingen in detail:

This update includes quality improvements and security fixes. No new operating system features are being introduced in this update. Key changes include:

  • Improved reliability for Internet Explorer 11, .NET Framework, wireless LAN, Microsoft Edge, Windows Update, logon, Bluetooth, network connectivity, map apps, video playback, Cortana, USB, Windows Explorer, and Narrator.
  • Fixed issue with connectivity of USB devices until OS restart.
  • Improved discoverability of printers when a device resumes from sleep.
  • Fixed issues with lock screen.
  • Support for visual voicemail on dual SIM phones.
  • Fixed issue with revised daylight saving time.
  • Fixed additional issues with shutdown delays, Narrator, Cortana, roaming data usage, buying apps in the Store, video playback, facial recognition, Bluetooth pairing, Microsoft Edge, logon, Internet Explorer 11, Live Tile updates, .NET Framework, and Microsoft Installer (MSI).
  • Improved security for CSRSS to address security feature bypass.
  • Fixed additional security issues with Security Account Manager Remote Protocol, HTTP.sys, secondary logon, Microsoft Graphics component, .NET Framework, CSRSS, Microsoft Edge, and Internet Explorer 11.

For more info about the security fixes in this update and a complete list of affected files, see KB314761.

KB3140768: Windows 10 versie 1511 build 10586.164 (8 maart 2016)
Verbeteringen aan bluetooth en de ondersteuning van wearables (horloges, fitness trackers etc.) in deze update. Plus pleisters voor veel beveiligingslekken.

Dit zegt Microsoft:

This update includes quality improvements and security fixes. No new operating system features are being introduced in this update. Key changes include:

  • Improved support for Bluetooth, wearables, and apps accessing contacts.
  • Improved reliability in app installation and Narrator.
  • Improved performance for hibernation, content entry in apps, and downloading and installing updates.
  • Fixed issue that didn't allow login to an Xbox from a PC running Windows 10.
  • Fixed security issue created when attempting to play corrupted content.
  • Fixed security issue that could allow remote code execution while viewing a PDF in Microsoft Edge.
  • Fixed additional issues with .NET Framework, Internet Explorer 11, and networking.
  • Fixed additional security issues with Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer 11, USB storage driver, kernel mode drivers, .NET Framework, graphic fonts, OLE, secondary logon, PDF library, and Adobe Flash Player.
For more info about the security fixes in this update and a complete list of affected files, see KB3135173.

KB3140743: Windows 10 versie 1511 build 10586.122 (1 maart 2016)
Een update die alleen kwaliteitsverbeteringen brengt en geen lekken dichtplakt voor de verandering. Wel een hele lijst:
This update includes quality improvements. No new operating system features or security fixes are being introduced in this update. Key changes include:
  • Improved reliability in numerous areas, including OS and Windows Update installation, startup, installing and configuring Windows for the first time, authentication, resuming from hibernation, shutdown, kernel, Start menu, storage, Windows Hello, display modes, Miracast, AppLocker, Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge browser, network connectivity and discovery, and File Explorer.
  • Improved performance in video thumbnail generation, NetLogon, Windows Store, and standby power consumption.
  • Improved support for devices including some wearables, displays, and printer scenarios.
  • Reset app default when a registry setting is deleted or corrupted and streamlined notification about the corruption.
  • Fixed an issue causing favorites to be lost after updates are installed.
  • Fixed several issues that individually could cause certain apps to fail to launch, update, or allow in-app purchases.
  • Improved quality of Cortana voices and translations of multiple languages of an Internet Explorer dialog box.
  • Improved support for apps, fonts, graphics and display, airplane mode, Group Policy, PowerShell, MDM, Windows Journal, Microsoft Edge, printing, touch display, roaming credentials, push-button reset, Windows UX, local and streaming video, audio quality, error reporting, USMT, and VHD creation.

For a complete list of affected files, see KB3140743.

KB3135173: Windows 10 versie 1511 build 10586.104 (9 februari 2016)
De update voor februari fixt problemen bij het installeren van updates, apps en Windows zelf. Verder wordt een vrachtlading aan beveiligingslekken verholpen.

This update includes quality improvements and security fixes. No new operating system features are being introduced this month. Key changes in this update include:

  • Fixed issues with authentication, update installation, and operating system installation.
  • Fixed issue with Microsoft Edge browser caching visited URLs while using InPrivate browsing.
  • Fixed issue that didn't allow simultaneous install of apps from the Windows Store and updates from Windows Update.
  • Fixed issue that delayed the availability of songs added to the Groove Music app in Windows 10 Mobile.
  • Improved security in the Windows kernel.
  • Fixed security issues that could allow remote code execution when malware is run on a target system.
  • Fixed security issues in Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer 11 that could allow code from a malicious website to be installed and run on a device.
  • Fixed additional issues with the Windows UX, Windows 10 Mobile, Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge, and taskbar.
  • Fixed additional security issues with .NET Framework, Windows Journal, Active Directory Federation Services, NPS Radius Server, kernel-mode drivers, and WebDAV.

For more info about the security fixes in this update and a complete list of affected files, see KB3135173.


Plain text

  • Toegelaten HTML-tags: <a> <em> <strong> <br> <br /> <i> <b> <p>
  • Regels en alinea's worden automatisch gesplitst.
  • Adressen van webpagina's en e-mailadressen worden automatisch naar links omgezet.
  • <img> elements are lazy-loaded.
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