
Vuze is populaire torrent-software waarmee je bestanden kunt downloaden en delen met anderen. Vroeger heette het programma Azureus.

Vuze is deze week uitgebracht. In deze uitgave - de eeste in drie maanden - zitten tientallen kleine verbeteringen. Zo worden de snelheid en geschatte resterende downloadtijd nu in de titel van het Vuze-venster weergeven.

Ook wordt een waslijst aan fouten gerepareerd en zijn er diverse veranderingen onder de motorkap doorgevoerd. Je kunt de details hieronder nalezen.

Vuze is te downloaden voor Windows, Mac OS X en Linux. Let bij de installatie op dat je niet de onnodige Vuze toolbar mee-installeert.


New Features:

Blog | See http://devblog.vuze.... for beta version blog posts
Idea | see for ideas implemented in this release

Core | 'move do not download files to a subfolder' is back but defaults to 'disabled' [Parg]
Core | Support compact I2P announce responses [Parg]
Core | Speed Limit handler now supports pausing and resuming, total transfer limits and ip-sets [Parg]
Core | Added option to disable availability-based webseed activation to support faster startup [Parg]
Plug | Added 'boss key' plugin for Windows users [Parg]
Plug | Swarm Discoveries now support 'tracker sources' [Parg&TuxPaper]
UI | Added UPnP media-server browser and playback (and add-to-device) under Devices Playback (deselect 'simple view' to access) [Parg]
UI | Console UI now supports 'show t' option for dead torrents [Parg]
UI | Added 'number of queued downloads' to library view header [Parg]
UI | Added keyboard shortcut for 'pause-for-time' menu option [Parg]
UI | Added option to show Vuze interface in all uppercase for those users that seem to be unable to turn capslock off on the forums [Parg]
UI | When adding a torrent with the same hash as an existing download you are now prompted to merge in any additional trackers [Parg]
UI | For non-OSX users the current transfer rates can now be displayed in the window title [Parg]


Core | Reset the 'maybe VPN' settings when bind IPs modified [Parg]
Core | Vuze clients are now displayed as 'Vuze' in the peers view instead of 'Azureus' [Parg]
Core | The 'move dnd files to subfolder' now only applies to new downloads [Parg]
Core | Support multiple routers to UPnP devices and try alternatives when one fails [Parg]
Plug | Disabled the per-ASN DHT announces as no evidence it is of significant benefit [Parg]
Plug | Plugin installer now defaults to per-user installs [Parg]
UI | Speed test is now not automatically run on first install but linked from FTUX [TuxPaper]
UI | Search results details pages now open in exernal browser [TuxPaper]
UI | Brazilian Portuguese translation update [Havokdan]
UI | Basque translation update [Azpidatziak]
UI | Spanish translation update [Valtiel]

Corrected Bugs:

Core | Fixed rare sort-contract-violation error under Java 7 during piece picking [Parg]
Core | Keep definitions of old network interfaces so correct classification can still be applied after an interface is lost [Parg]
Core | Disable DND TXT handling when using SOCKS proxy [Parg]
Core | Turn off auto-speed when applying the result of a speedtest otherwise it overwrites it [Parg]
Core | Fix update operations failing on OSX with Java 7 [Tuxpaper]
UI | Fixed display of disabled peer sources in sources view [Parg]
UI | Fixed 'escape' key not closing donation dialog [TuxPaper]
UI | Declining a 'Close Vuze?' prompt left window in invalid state [Parg]
UI | Recalculate hot spots in sidebar when scrolled [Parg]
UI | 'Full copy last seen' column was broken [Parg]


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  • <img> elements are lazy-loaded.
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