VirtualBox 4.3.18

Met VirtualBox kun je binnen een besturingssysteem een ander besturingssysteem (OS) virtueel draaien. Handig om Linux vanuit Windows uit te proberen bijvoorbeeld. Of om een oude Windows XP-installatie draaiend te houden of Windows 10 te testen.

Vrijdag is VirtualBox 4.3.18 uitgebracht door producent Oracle. Dit is een onderhoudsupdate waarin diverse fouten worden gerepareerd en crashes opgelost. Zo zijn verschillende problemen met volledige schermweergave onder Mac OS X verholpen en zijn enkele aanpassingen gedaan voor Windows 10. Verdere details kun je hieronder nalezen.

VirtualBox is beschikbaar voor Windows, Mac OS X en Linux. Het is aan te raden om ook het Extension Pack te installeren, zodat je onder andere ondersteuning voor USB hebt.

This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
VMM: fixed a potential misbehavior after restoring the A20 state from a saved state
GUI: fixed full-screen mode mini-toolbar related regressions for different platforms and window managers (bug #13369)
GUI: X11: fixed full-screen mode Unity panels quirk caused by mini-toolbar code changes in last release (bug #13365)
GUI: X11: added possibility to use legacy full-screen mode as the new one can cause multi-screen issues under Unity, see the manual for more information (bug #13365)
GUI: Mac OS X: fixed full-screen mode artifact causing black screen when 3D acceleration was enabled on 10.10 Yosemite hosts (bug #13448)
GUI: Mac OS X: fixed regression in user-space swiping from/to VBox in full-screen mode
GUI: Mac OS X: fixed issue with switching to VBox in full-screen mode through Alt+Tab and Mission Control
Storage: fixed data corruption when resizing huge VHD images under certain circumstances (bug #11960)
Storage: fixed a rare hang during startup when the BIOS enumerates the storage devices attached to the SATA controller
Storage: follow the spec with AHCI interrupt acknowledge (bug #13474)
Storage: fixed broken iSCSI authentication (4.3.14 regression, bugs #13386, #13435)
NAT Network: properly parse port forwarding rules to allow UDP rules
USB: fixed a crash on Linux hosts with older Linux kernels (bug #13400) and several other fixes
ACPI: fixed ACPI timer anomalies (bug #12076)
Guest Control: fixed a memory leak (bug #13434)
Main: when removing a VM, do also remove the VBoxStartup.log file which might exist on Windows hosts (bug #13478)
Windows hosts: fixed more startup problems on certain Windows hosts due to conflicts with anti-virus software; better error reporting (4.3.14 regression; bug #13187)
Windows hosts: propagate the process startup information to the child process (4.3.14 regression; bug #13243)
Mac OS X hosts: don't force using the discrete GPU (bug #11111)
Windows Additions: some Windows 10 tweaks
X11 guests: fix a bug handling video driver display properties which prevented GNOME Shell on Fedora 21 from starting
Linux hosts / guests: fixed a few remaining warnings in the kernel log if memory allocation fails (bug #11171)


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