
Voor degene die Fedora niet kennen: Let op codec's om muziek mee af te spelen en video's te bekijken zitten niet standaard in Fedora. Hier zijn wel manieren voor maar is minder eenvoudig.
Zie onderstaande:

MP3, DVD and Other Excluded Multimedia
Fedora cannot include support for MP3 or DVD video playback or recording. The MP3 formats are patented, and the patent holders have not provided the necessary licenses. DVD video formats are patented and equipped with an encryption scheme. The patent holders have not provided the necessary licenses, and the code needed to decrypt CSS-encrypted discs may violate the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, a copyright law of the United States. Fedora also excludes other multimedia software due to patent, copyright or license restrictions, including Adobe's Flash Player and and Real Media's Real Player. For more on this subject, please refer to http://fedoraproject....

MP3 Support
DVD Support
Flash Support

bron: http://fedoraproject...

Plain text

  • Toegelaten HTML-tags: <em> <strong> <br> <p>
  • Adressen van webpagina's en e-mailadressen worden automatisch naar links omgezet.
  • Regels en paragrafen worden automatisch gesplitst.
  • <img> elements are lazy-loaded.
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