VirtualBox 5.0.6

Met VirtualBox kun je binnen een besturingssysteem een ander besturingssysteem (OS) virtueel draaien. Handig om Linux vanuit Windows uit te proberen bijvoorbeeld. Of om een oude Windows XP-installatie draaiend te houden of Windows 10 te testen.

Dit weekend is VirtualBox 5.0.6 verschenen. Dit is een derde onderhoudsupdate voor VirtualBox 5 waarin verschillende fouten, geheugenlekken en crashes worden verholpen. Verder is de interface gepolijst en zijn specifieke probleempjes met de Windows-, Mac- en Linux-versie verholpen. Details kun je hieronder nalezen.

VirtualBox is beschikbaar voor Windows, Mac OS X en Linux. Het is aan te raden om ook het Extension Pack te installeren, zodat je onder andere ondersteuning voor USB hebt.


This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

  • GUI: the update check now uses the HTTP system proxy settings by default
  • GUI: About dialog improvements. Copyable version text, do not close dialog on mouse-clicks and focus losing, explicit close button at the bottom of dialog and disabled close button fix on OS X. (bugs #9912, #12749)
  • GUI: fixed bug when re-assigning shortcuts (bug #14565)
  • GUI: fixed default focus button in message-box dialogs (bug #14486)
  • GUI: fixed settings dialog which is opened if the network settings need to be changed at VM startup (5.0.0 regression; bug #14601)
  • GUI: fixed crash during VM start if an early error message needs to be shown, for example Linux kernel modules not present (bug #14646)
  • Bridged Networking: fixed handling of guest DHCP requests without UDP checksum when bridging to a wireless interface (bug #14615)
  • Audio: latency fixes (Windows hosts only; bug #4088)
  • Guest Control: correctly set USERNAME and USERPROFILE environment variables (Windows guests only)
  • Guest Control: several fixes
  • API: properly restore NAT port forwarding rules when reverting to a snapshot
  • Parallel ports: Several fixes allowing to enable two parallel ports for a VM
  • VBoxManage: fixed wrong output of debugvm show command
  • VBoxManage: fixed hang when specifying logging groups with debugvm log starting with h, for example hex
  • Windows hosts: renamed VBoxStartup.log to VBoxHardening.log and provide this log file in the GUI log viewer
  • Windows hosts: fixed a small memory leak in the Windows host interface driver (VBoxNetAdp) which caused a BSOD if the driver verifier is enabled (bug #14562)
  • Windows hosts: fixed a failure to start VMs on hosts where dsound.dll is not available (bug #14574)
  • Windows hosts: another fix for VERR_LDR_MISMATCH_NATIVE errors (bug #14579)
  • Windows hosts: fixed host-to-guest communication with bridged networking (bugs #14326, #14457)
  • Windows hosts: fixed broken data receiving from the serial device with the named pipe backend if Kaspersky AV is installed
  • Linux hosts: Linux 4.3 compile fixes
  • Linux hosts: installer fix for certain systems (bug #14627)
  • Linux hosts / guests: native systemd support for the host/guest installer scripts. The scripts for re-compiling the kernel modules are now located at /sbin/rcvboxdrv (host) and /sbin/rcvboxadd (Guest Additions)
  • Mac OS X hosts: GUI-related fixes for El Capitan
  • Mac OS X hosts: fixed a problem with capturing USB devices under El Capitan
  • Mac OS X hosts: allow colon character on shared folders (bug #14554)
  • Linux Additions: properly set the VBoxService process ID in the PID file (bug #14571)
  • Linux Additions: Guest Control fixes (bug #14573)
  • Windows Additions: fixed shutting down VBoxTray when running with older VirtualBox host versions
  • Windows Additions: fixed video playback with VLC and Windows Media Player when the WDDM driver is used and 3D is not used
  • Windows Additions: prevent a possible VLC crash when the WDDM driver is used and 3D is enabled by implementing YV12 surfaces


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