VirtualBox 4.3.28

Met VirtualBox kun je binnen een besturingssysteem een ander besturingssysteem (OS) virtueel draaien. Handig om Linux vanuit Windows uit te proberen bijvoorbeeld. Of om een oude Windows XP-installatie draaiend te houden of Windows 10 te testen.

Gisteren is VirtualBox 4.3.28 verschenen. Dit is een kleine onderhoudsupdate waarin enkele fouten en regressies worden gerepareerd en crashes opgelost. Verdere details kun je hieronder nalezen.

VirtualBox is beschikbaar voor Windows, Mac OS X en Linux. Het is aan te raden om ook het Extension Pack te installeren, zodat je onder andere ondersteuning voor USB hebt.

This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
VMM: fixed a Guru Meditation when rebooting certain guests (for example Solaris doing fast reboot) by fixing the implementation for INIT IPI
VMM: added some information for diagnosing rare VERR_VMX_INVALID_VMXON_PTR Guru Meditations (VT-x only)
GUI: HID LEDs sync: prevent synchronization if VM window has no focus (Windows and Mac OS X hosts only)
GUI: fixed drag and drop moving the cursor between guest screens on certain hosts
3D: fixed a crash on restoring the VM state on X11 hosts (bug #12737)
3D: fixed a crash on Linux guest shutdown (bug #12772)
VRDP: fixed incompatibility with rdesktop 1.8.3
VRDP: fixed listening for IPv6 on some systems (bug #14038)
Storage: don't crash if creating an asynchronous I/O context fails (e.g. when starting many VMs) and show a proper error message
Floppy: several fixes
Audio: improved the behavior of the volume control for the HD audio device emulation
USB: increase the number of supported drivers from 3 to 5 (Windows hosts only)
PS/2 keyboard: synchronize the LED state on VM restore (Windows and Mac OS X hosts only)
NAT Network: when running multiple NAT networks with multiple VMs, only stop the respective services when stopping VMs (bug #14090)
NAT: don't kill UDP bindings on ICMP errors (bug #13475)
NAT: bandwidth limit now works properly with NAT (bug #11485)
BIOS: fixed the returned size value of the VBE 2.0 PMI function 0Ah (4.2.0 regression; bug #14096)
Guest Control: fixed parameter quoting in Windows guests (bug #13157)
Webcam passthrough improvements for Linux (V4L2) hosts to support more webcam models
API: don't fail starting a VM with VBOX_E_INVALID_OBJECT_STATE under certain conditions (bug #13617)
API: be more verbose on VBOX_E_INVALID_OBJECT_STATE if a medium is attached to a running VM (bug #13560)
API: fixed a bug which could result in losing certain screen resize events with multi-monitor guests
rdesktop-vrdp: fixed path to the keymaps (bug #12066)
rdesktop-vrdp: switch to version 1.8.3
Windows hosts: more hardening fixes (e.g. bugs #14051, #14052)
Linux hosts: another fix for activated SMAP on Linux 3.19 and newer (Broadwell and later; bug #13961)
Linux hosts: Linux 4.1 compile fix (bug #14081)
Solaris hosts: fixed using of VNIC templates with Crossbow based bridged networking to be compatible with vanity interface names
Mac OS X hosts: fixed crash during VM termination under rare circumstances
Windows Additions/WDDM: improved video memory utilization and allow more/bigger guest screens with large resolutions (including HiDPI)
X11 Additions: prevent flickering when updating mouse cursor
Solaris Additions: fixed incorrect usage of 'prtconf' while installing Guest Additions (Solaris 10 only)


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