VirtualBox 4.3.14

Met VirtualBox kun je binnen een besturingssysteem een ander besturingssysteem (OS) virtueel draaien. Handig om Linux vanuit Windows uit te proberen bijvoorbeeld. Of om een oude Windows XP-installatie draaiend te houden.

Gisteren is VirtualBox 4.3.14 verschenen. Dit is een onderhoudsupdate waarin diverse fouten worden gerepareerd en enkele crashes opgelost. Onder andere enkele netwerkproblemen zijn gefixt. Verdere details kun je hieronder nalezen.

VirtualBox is beschikbaar voor Windows, Mac OS X en Linux. Het is aan te raden om ook het Extension Pack te installeren, zodat je onder andere ondersteuning voor USB hebt.

This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:VMM: more fixes for MSR emulation on certain hardware (bugs #12784, #12949, #13034)
VMM: improve MSI handling under rare circumstances (only relevant for the ICH9 chipset)
VMM: fixed #UD exception for 64-bit guests with the EFER.SCE bit and the SYSCALL instruction (VT-x only; 4.3 regression; bug #13008)
VMM: fixed timekeeping after resuming SMP guests
VMM: properly wake up a halted VCPU on NMI/SMI
GUI: fixed a potential crash
GUI: fixed stuck AltGr key on Windows hosts (bug #2537)
GUI: fixed a potential error during the version check
GUI: shortcut change should not require Enter/Return (or other trigger) to confirm (bugs #12828, #12847, #12937, #13087)
GUI: fixed update check which was broken due to changing the location of the root certificates (bug #13096)
VBoxManage: fixed typo in showvminfo --machinereadable (bug #13176)
NAT: fixed inbound half-close (bug #13116)
NAT: fixed slow upload speed under certain conditions (bug #10034)
NAT Network: fixed potential loss of inbound TCP data
NAT Network: fixed potential infinite stalls of TCP connections over IPv6
NAT Network: fixed resets of TCP connections on Windows hosts
NAT Network: fixed inbound half-close on Mac OS X hosts
NAT Network: fixed socket leak on Solaris hosts
NAT Network: fixed ping of mapped host loopback on Mac OS X and Solaris hosts, fixed proxying of IMCP errors on Mac OS X
Host-Only Network: fixed SNMP ifConnectorPresent value on Windows (bug #13143)
Storage: fixed a possible crash with CD/DVD passthrough under certain circumstances
Storage: fixed a crash when trying to open an inaccessible QED or QCOW image (bug #12613)
Storage: fixed data corruption or read errors under rare circumstances
AHCI: fixed a crash under rare circumstances
USB: performance fixes
ICH9: properly reset MSI capability on reset
Keyboard: active modifier keys during suspend were stuck after resuming the host
3D: fixed misbehavior with huge guests (i.e. guest more than 4GB guest memory
3D: several fixes
API: properly detect the Windows 8.1 guest OS type (bug #13090)
ExtPack: cleanup of dangling uninstallation directories
Linux hosts / guests: compile fix for EL7 (bug #12638)
Linux Additions: made 3D pass-through work with recent versions of Mesa in the guest (bug #12941)
Linux Additions: Linux 3.16 fixes (bug #13123)
Mac OS X hosts: when scanning for host CD/DVD devices also consider BlueRay devices
OS/2 Additions: fixed gengradd.dll library name (bug #12785)
Solaris Additions: fixed permissions of files and directories located on shared folders
Windows host installer: fixed the need for rebooting Windows after installation or upgrade, extended logging for NetFlt/NetAdp (un)installation


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