SyncBack Free

SyncBack Free is een handig backup-programma waarmee je op gezette tijden reservekopieën van je belangrijke bestanden kunt maken. Ook synchronisatie is mogelijk.

SyncBack Free 7 is gisteren uitgebracht. Dit is een grote update die diverse verbeteringen en nieuwe functies toevoegt. Ook zijn de scan-prestaties met 20% verbeterd en is SyncBack nu compatibel met Windows 8.1. Verdere details kun je hieronder nalezen in de uitgave opmerkingen.

SyncBack Free is te downloaden voor Windows XP, Vista, 7 en 8.

Uitgave opmerkingen:
- Group profiles now have log files
- Support for Microsoft Exchange for sending and receiving email
- When->Insert profile settings page will show drive inserts and removes
- When using option to delete all empty folders it will now record deletion and failure to delete in log
- Can export differences from Differences window
- Can specify filters for what files to verify or not verify
- On Differences window can now choose to abort just that profile in group from Abort button
- On Differences window can now choose to skip Differences window in future from Copy button
- Pro: DiffWindows.vbs script
- Pro: PreCopyExample script
- 20% improvement in scan performance when using DOS filters (the default)
- Email Support Ticket menu item in Help menu. Auto-fills product and Windows version and searches online KB.
- Numerous items fixed when using high DPI display and scaling
- Resume on FTP upload/download if connection lost and start profile again. Also works with standard Windows file copy.
- Better checking to see if trying to close SyncBack with AutoClose. Also does not record a warning or error if trying to close self.
- Setup->Warning profile settings page
- Checkboxes for run before and after
- Option to not replace non-empty files with empty files
- Better chance of detecting if profile is already running in another process and session
- Search for profiles by their name and source and destination folders. Can use wildcards.
- Rollback feature on Differences window
- Can now select folders when doing backup of email
- Sparse files are copied correctly using Backup file copying method
- Option to use backup copy method when copying sparse files
- Can specify idle time for periodic background runs
- Can specify idle time for on changes runs
- OneDrive placeholder files are ignored (must be using Windows 8.1 or newer)
- Option to not use current username and password for Windows network connections
- Profile history column widths and hidden/not hidden state saved
- Finding files in Differences window
- Windows environment variables are now read from the current state instead of from when the process was started
- Uses profile run history to pre-allocate file and directory lists in memory and possibly use database immediately
- Use large cache option for faster network scanning
- Search online knowledge base (via Help main menu)
- Manifest updated for Windows 8.1 compatibility


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