PDF Creator 2.0.2

PDF Creator is de populairste gratis software om pdf'jes mee te maken van bijna elk document. PDF Creator werkt als een virtuele printer waarmee je bestanden kunt omzetten naar pdf.

PDF Creator 2.0.2 is gisteren uitgebracht. Dit is een onderhoudsupdate die enkele crashes en fouten oplost. Ook kan PDF Creator nu beter ontdekken wat het standaard mailprogramma op je pc is. Ten slotte is een complete gebruikershandleiding - in het Engels - online gezet.

PDF Creator is beschikbaar voor Windows XP, Vista, 7 en 8/8.1. Let op voor onnodige extra software die tijdens de installatie kan worden aangeboden. Lees nauwlettend de installatie-instructies om deze gebundelde software niet mee te installeren!

Release notes:

We have just released PDFCreator 2.0.2 and PDFCreator Plus 2.0.2. This version fixes a few bugs that were found since the last release. Among the fixes, there were a few occasions when an exception was not caught and the application could crash. This did not cause any harm, but was annoying. Another problem was with detecting the default E-mail client. This is defined in several places and they are not documented properly. We did some analysis there and think that we have figured out now when to use Outlook and when the MAPI is preferred.

As a side note, we have also now published the PDFCreator user guide online:

This is build from the same source as the user guide that is included with the application. We will work on this a little more, i.e. to allow to jump between different versions of the guide and change the language.


Plain text

  • Toegelaten HTML-tags: <em> <strong> <br> <p>
  • Adressen van webpagina's en e-mailadressen worden automatisch naar links omgezet.
  • Regels en paragrafen worden automatisch gesplitst.
  • <img> elements are lazy-loaded.
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