Audacity 2.1.1

Geluidseditor Audacity is een van de meestgebruikte en veelzijdigste gratis programmma's om muziek en andere audiofragmenten mee te bewerken.

Audacity 2.1.1 is eergisteren uitgebracht. In deze versie van Audacity kun je nu bij de effecten kiezen uit allerlei 'presets'. Verder ondersteunt Audacity nu 'scrubbing and seeking' waardoor je makkelijker kunt navigeren in audiofragmenten. Ook kun je plugins in Audacity 2.1.1 installeren zonder opnieuw op te starten. Ten slotte zijn heel veel verbeteringen doorgevoerd en fouten opgelost, waardoor de bewerkingen veel sneller moeten verlopen. Veel crashes zijn ook gerepareerd. Alle details kun je hieronder nalezen. De lijst met bekende problemen is trouwens nog wel heel lang bij deze uitgave.

Audacity is verkrijgbaar voor Windows Vista tot en met 8.1, Mac OS X en Linux. Het programma is in het Nederlands vertaald.

Release notes:



Built-in effects now support presets.
New Limiter effect replaces Hard Limiter effect.
New Crossfade Clips effect to apply a simple crossfade to a selected pair of clips in a single audio track.
Can now add/remove effects from Generate and Effects menus.
New version of Vocal Removal Effect.
Classic Filters now included as an opt-in effect.


Much faster editing with larger projects, thanks to a faster method for storing the autosave recovery file.
Performance improvements for Draw Tool and zooming of Spectrogram views.
Zero-padding Spectrograms Preference smooths the image for short window sizes.
Scrubbing and Seeking, including backwards play.
Quick-Play from Timeline enhancements, particularly for looping.
(Windows) Language of Audacity user interface is now set in installer.
More VI usability enhancements for track focus & navigation.

Other Changes

Upgraded to Nyquist 3.0.9 and libflac 1.3.1.
Upgraded LV2 libs, LV2 GUIs on Linux, LV2 factory Presets.
Crash report integration.
Modules can be enabled in Preferences. Mod-nyq-bench available as an experimental module (but not in the default download).

Bug Fixes


Crash using Undo while dragging sample points
Crash using File > Close on project window when Screenshot Tools was open.
FFmpeg Custom Export: Crashes importing presets.
(OS X) Crash closing Track Gain or Pan adjustment box.
(OS X) Crash closing project window between save project dialogues
(Linux) TAL VST (but not other VST's) crashed if previewing built-in effect
(Linux) SPACE could not be used/could crash in context menus that have a checkbox.


LV2 effects did not use parameters when using Chains.
Built in Generators were not usable in Chains.
Plot Spectrum could not change values without losing focus.
Track dropdown menu settings could affect other tracks.
Slight mismatch of vertical scale with linear spectrogram view.
RTP effect Play/Stop button remained deactivated after built-in preview ended.
Contrast: "Move forward or backward through active windows" did not refocus Contrast.
LADSPA and LV2 generate plug-ins failed when white space selected.

Mac OS X

Confusing behaviour importing / exporting AU presets. In particular, Apple Audio Units silently applied an imported preset.


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