SyncBack Free

SyncBack Free is een handig backup-programma waarmee je op gezette tijden reservekopieën van je belangrijke bestanden kunt maken. Ook synchronisatie is mogelijk.

SyncBack Free is een kleine update die diverse fouten oplost. Details vind je hieronder in de uitgave opmerkingen.

SyncBack Free is te downloaden voor Windows XP, Vista, 7 en 8.

Uitgave opmerkingen:
New: Option to tell Windows not cache/buffer a files contents in memory when copying it
Fixed: Was not expanding and selecting profiles when started
Fixed: May fail if FTP server disconnected during creation of large Zip file
Fixed: May fail to detect case changes when using SmartSync if configured to detect them
Fixed: Single zip backup not working when using cloud storage
Fixed: Groups were not run in reverse when supposed to, e.g. during restore
Fixed: Time shown for dates and times where time is exactly midnight
Updated: The FTP alternative file list parser can now also be used when using MLST
Updated: Open Right/Destination will also open optional full backup directory


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