Pegasus Mail 4.62

Van mailprogramma Pegasus Mail is na een half jaar een nieuwe versie uitgebracht. Pegasus Mail 4.62 is een onderhoudsupdate die vooral problemen met de weergave van HTML in mailtjes oplost.

Ook zijn de handtekeningen (signatures) verbeterd en moet het downloaden van mail via POP3 aanzienlijk sneller gaan. Ten slotte zijn veel kleine bugs verholpen.

Pegasus Mail 4.62 is verkrijgbaar voor Windows 2000 tot en met 7. Een Nederlandse vertaling is er nog niet.

Release notes:

Version 4.62 mainly concentrates on fixing late-breaking incompatibilities in HTML rendering caused by the release version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer 9 browser. V4.62 users should experience reliable, high-quality HTML display using this version, with the quality of rendering being even higher than in previous versions.

  • Updated editor  V4.62 also uses a heavily-updated version of the editor module we use, and has numerous changes in the way editing buffers are constructed, meaning it should now be able to edit and reply to much more complex HTML message formats than previous versions, and editing should be much more reliable.
  • Open link in background   You can now Ctrl+Click on any link in a message to open that link in your web browser without bringing the browser to the foreground. This allows you to open a succession of links then work with them when you're ready.
  • Signatures overhauled   The way signatures are handled has been totally overhauled, and you should now find they work considerably better when you insert them at compose-time.
  • Faster POP3 downloads   POP3 downloads should be significantly faster when you have chosen to leave mail on the POP3 server.

Finally, quite a few small bugs, some of them quite long-standing, have now been fixed.

We expect this to be the last release in the V4 family of Pegasus Mail, with the next release being the first iteration of the V5 family.


Plain text

  • Toegelaten HTML-tags: <em> <strong> <br> <p>
  • Adressen van webpagina's en e-mailadressen worden automatisch naar links omgezet.
  • Regels en paragrafen worden automatisch gesplitst.
  • <img> elements are lazy-loaded.
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