Flash Player

Flash Player 12 is uitgebracht door producent Adobe. Dit is een beveiligingsupdate voor de populaire browser-plugin, die twee ernstige lekken oplost.

Ook wordt Internet Explorer 11 onder Windows 7 nu officieel ondersteund door Flash. Dit zou moeten betekenen dat diverse problemen met Flash in Internet Explorer 11 onder Windows 7 worden opgelost. Of ook de klachten van veel IE11-gebruikers over crashes en onterechte updatemeldingen van Flash hiermee aangepakt zijn is onduidelijk, maar als het goed is zullen ze dus gerepareerd worden.

In Flash worden verder nog diverse fouten opgelost. Details kun je hieronder nalezen. Op deze pagina kun je - voor elke browser - controleren welke versie van de plugin je hebt.

Flash Player kun je los downloaden voor Internet Explorer (onder Windows XP, Vista of 7), Safari voor Mac en Firefox en Opera voor Windows, Mac of Linux. Ook kun je updaten via de automatische updater. Flash wordt standaard meegeleverd - en automatisch bijgewerkt - in Google Chrome. Voor Internet Explorer onder Windows 8 en 8.1 wordt Flash geactualiseerd via Windows Update.

Let op! Haal op de website van Flash het vinkje weg bij McAfee Security Scan Plus, Google Chrome of andere optionele software en klik op Nu installeren


Uitgave opmerkingen:
New Features:
  • Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 7 Support
Microsoft has released IE 11 on Windows 7 and we plan to officially support this in Flash Player 12.
  • Mac .pkg Installation Support
Deploying Flash Player and keeping it up to date is a critical task for system administrators worldwide.  In Flash Player 11.9 we added .pkg support for ease of deployment.  In Flash Player 12, we've incorporated feedback from system administrators to improve the workflow and UI.
  • Graphics: Buffer Usage flag for Stage3D
We've added a new enum Class called Context3DBufferUsage which defines two constants, STATIC_DRAW (default) and DYNAMIC_DRAW.  These constants specify how buffers will be used in Stage3D. We've also added a new parameter, called "bufferUsage", to the constructors of VertexBuffer and IndexBuffer. This "bufferUsage" parameter uses one of the constants form Context3DBufferUsage, which will allow you to select the appropriate buffer type according to your needs.
  • Stage3D Creation of Context3D with Profile Arra
We've added a new interface to Stage3D.requestContext3DMatchingProfiles(profiles:Vector.<String> ) which will create a Context3D with highest level suitable profile that is in profile array,  based on the current hardware.  A developer can check the newly added property 'profile' to obtain the current profile that was chosen by the Flash Runtime.
Notable Fixes and Enhancements:
  • [3629735] [Chrome x64] XPS Printing produces blank documents
  • [3633845] [Win8.x] YouTube videos don't always resume when tapping inside the video in desktop IE
  • [3637507] [Win8.1 Pepper] Camera is listed twice in the setting ui panel with Chrome
  • [3638403][Mac] Extra characters render when pressing the shortcuts CMD+C, CMD+X, CMD+A, and CMD+V in Stage Web View.
  • [3638538] [Win7][IE 11 - Instaback] Video continues to play for a few seconds after navigating away from page
  • [3646580] [Win8.1] edit control does not handle IVS characters or surrogate pairs such as emoticons correctly
  • [3641030][Mac] flash.media.scanHardware() does not work on NPAPI Flash Player
  • [3649243] [Win8.x] ARM devices: YouTube controls disappear when when exiting fullscreen by invoking app bar
  • [3649329] PlayTo stops in the middle when network connection is not stable
  • [3652092][Win8.x] unable to upload multiple images in file-browse dialog
  • [3656409] some menu controls are not refreshing when clicking controls and inputting text
  • [3655274] Fullscreen (with sourceRect) doesn't work correctly in Pepper version
  • [3659511][Win8.1][IE11] drawToBitmapData fails to draw correctly when using constrain mode
  • [3659511] on some graphics cards, Stage3d works in software mode, instead of GPU
  • [3664207] Audio continues to be heard when video is fast forwarded after a rewind operation
  • [3657240] wrong value is momentarily returned after trickPlay is ended using a pause
  • [3660676] KingsRoad Stage3D performance impacted on low-end laptops running Chrome with PPAPI player
  • [3673798] white/black background displays in CC mode
These updates resolve a vulnerability that could be used to bypass Flash Player security protections (CVE-2014-0491).
These updates resolve an address leak vulnerability that could be used to defeat memory address layout randomization (CVE-2014-0492).


Plain text

  • Toegelaten HTML-tags: <em> <strong> <br> <p>
  • Adressen van webpagina's en e-mailadressen worden automatisch naar links omgezet.
  • Regels en paragrafen worden automatisch gesplitst.
  • <img> elements are lazy-loaded.
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