Audacity 2.0.2

Geluidseditor Audacity is een van de meestgebruikte en veelzijdigste gratis programmma's om muziek en andere audiofragmenten mee te bewerken.

Audacity 2.0 verscheen in maart dit jaar uit en bracht veel nieuwe functies. De gisteren uitgebrachte Audacity 2.0.2 verhelpt allerlei kleine problemen en kent enkele verbeteringen. De precieze details kun je hieronder nalezen.

Audacity is verkrijgbaar voor Windows, Mac OS X en Linux. Het programma is in het Nederlands vertaald.

Release notes:

Bug fixes


  • "Retain labels" Interface Preference did not retain labels for a region that snapped exactly to both label edges.
  • Projects did not save the track selected state.
  • (OS X, Linux) Timer Record: Interlinking of the Start, End and Duration controls was broken.
  • (Windows) JAWS screen-reader did not read the "Draw curves" and "Graphic EQ" radio buttons in Equalization correctly.

Envelopes and Clips

  • Exporting (or any render operation) on a track containing split lines could create clicks at the split lines.

Effects and Analysis

  • Normalize could crash if the track name contained "%".

Changes and Improvements

  • Duration controls when generating at a point now default to hh:mm:ss + milliseconds format. Selection Toolbar also defaults to that format on first installation or resetting preferences.
  • Toolbars visual improvements:
    • "Snap To" in Selection Toolbar now has an explanatory tooltip
    • Device Toolbar tooltips now display the selected device
    • Increased default width of Device Toolbar and Meter Toolbar.
  • Improvements and some bug fixes to Nyquist effects, including:
    • Delay (new option to prevent duration change)
    • Sample Data Export (new "L-R on Same Line" layout option)
    • Risset Drum (new "Amplitude" slider).
  • Importing a labels file writes the file name to the name of the Label Track, and exporting a labels file offers the name of the last Label Track in the project.
  • Removed the "Audio cache" option from Directories Preferences due to frequent crash reports. All data operations will now be written to disk and not to RAM.
  • Removed the FFmpeg "On-Demand" option from Libraries Preferences (this fixes Audacity not building if configured --without-ffmpeg).
  • Compilation: Progress on making the Modules feature mainstream. Modules can now be individually enabled and disabled in Preferences.


Plain text

  • Toegelaten HTML-tags: <em> <strong> <br> <p>
  • Adressen van webpagina's en e-mailadressen worden automatisch naar links omgezet.
  • Regels en paragrafen worden automatisch gesplitst.
  • <img> elements are lazy-loaded.
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